Provenance at it's best .... 1981 Fuji "Professional Super Record"

1981 Fuji "Professional Super Record"

An exremely rare bird from the slopes of Mt. Fuji and Vicenza, Italy, home of the master Tullio Campagnolo.  It brings a mix of old world quality and lore, combined with the exquiste Fuji mastery of frame building, design and finishing.

I purchased this Professional from the Ritvo collection of William Bevington, it's another "one of a kind", mint condition Fuji models that William owns.This Super Record includes a personally engraved Crystem stem, it was Eugene "Gene" Ritvo's personal ride for many years.

I've photographed it alongside it's counterpart, my 1981 Superbe equipped Professional.


That's gorgeous, Scott! What a find!

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